2024年11月27日,由博闻创意会展主办的第八届中国系统级封装大会SiP Conference China 2024·苏州站将在苏州日航酒店召开。本次大会将围绕 “AI/大算力应用”、“存储/高速互连应用”、“新工艺及材料”三大主题开展;涵盖来自OSAT、测试/设备提供商、材料/IC载板供应商、系统制造商和研发行业的SiP、异构集成技术和商业趋势。
Solidigm首席存储解决方案架构师高伟先生将出席SiP Conference China 2024(第八届中国系统级封装大会),并发表题为《Solidigm CSAL软件解决方案利用IO整形,cache和数据放置能力助力DPU DOCA存储服务BeeGFS》的主题演讲。
CSAL is Cloud Storage Acceleration Layer for BigData and AI. it is open-source user mode FTL, cache and io trace component to accelerate AI inside SPDK(upstreamed). It commercially helps Alibaba cloud storage system. refer joint top paper Eurosys2024 https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3627703.3629566.
This session we will introduce new features joint development with NVIDIA DPU team and BeeGFS.
1.CSAL leverage DPU DRAM as write buffer who achieve best latency.
2.QLC is favorable by AI since it saves power and space. It is great combine DPU&QLC for better TCO.
3.CSAL in DPU to bring advaned storage IO shaping, caching and data placement into NVIDIA DPU DOCA storage SW service, we can tune for BeeGFS metadata, data services to achieve best SLA. both BeeGFS and CSAL run in the CNode DPU.
4.demostrate the future design idea together with BeeGFS+CSAL inside DPU, saving CPU while better performance.
5. experiment data sharing and report.
高伟 | Solidigm
Wayne Gao is a Principal Engineer as Storage solution architect and worked on CSAL from PF to Alibaba commercial release. Wayne also takes main developer effort to finish CSAL pmem/DSA and cxl.mem PF from intel to Solidigm. Before joining Intel, Wayne has over 20 years of storage developer experience as previous DellEMC PowerScale Sr Principal software engineer in all flash object storage team and has 4 US patent filings/grants and 1 EuroSys2024 paper published. Wayne also have working experience at Alibaba as P8 engineer and build across network and connections with PRC enterprise storage and cloud storage developers. During spare time, Wayne like to play badminton, swimming, movies, and games.
Solidigm is a provider of NAND flash memory solutions. They provide storage products and solutions for data centers. They give data to visionaries, inventors, entrepreneurs, and students, and the advantages spread throughout communities and society.
关于SiP China 2024
第八届中国系统级封装大会(SiP Conference China 2024)将继续在苏州召开,为期1天,包含主题演讲和技术报告,主题涵盖来自OSAT、测试/设备提供商、材料/IC载板供应商、系统制造商和研发行业的SiP、异构集成技术和商业趋势。本次大会将采用以行业应用为驱动的分论坛模式,聚焦于AI、算力、存储、数据中心、汽车电子、物联网等关键应用领域报告。
由博闻创意会展主办的elexcon2025深圳国际电子展将于2025年8月26-28日在深圳会展中心(福田)举办。以 “AII for AI, AIl for GREEN:为AI与双碳提供全栈技术与供应链支持” 为主题。展会将集中展示 AI与算力芯片、存储、嵌入式AI、电源及能源电子、高性能电子元器件、Chiplet异构集成生态等前沿产品与技术及解决方案,全面覆盖人工智能、新能源汽车、工业自动化、轨道交通、物联网等热门领域,推动技术创新与产业发展。更多展会详情请登录www.elexcon.com 展位、赞助商及演讲人申请请联系:0755-88311535